Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To watch and yearn

I was feeling antsy. Maybe it was from not seeing [Avoiding] Him. I hadn't been to Master's slave wagon for some time. Just to get my oils, grab some lotions, clean it out and then I was gone again between mixing with the chores of the camp slaves, doing loads of leather washing, getting urts for Yaz, and making wax scents for the cooking fires....I found myself everywhere...but there.

Yasmine was on punishment for setting her Master's new slave on fire, well the girls really long hair and sent to sleep with the camp slaves. So I didn't want her to be alone, I would gather my blanket and go lay with her. Waking up to gather Dung, and do everything over again. It was starting to feel repetitive, when I decided, I would take a step out towards a group of wagons I had yet to venture to. There was a Master there with a bunch of girls. They looked pretty fresh, as in, use to be Dweller Freewomen, Fresh. I am guessing He was like a Slaver type of person that trains slaves. I don't think they have true Slavers here, but He had a group of about six girls He was working on. I got to I watched...I had learned what slaves have to do, but had I learned to be a slave, feel the slave in me? No. I didn't know nothing of this refined beauty I saw in others. The inner beauty, cause I have seen some verr ass ugly girls just look so majestic when simply offering up a platter of bosk strips.

I didn't ask to join in, but I found myself a way to be useful by them so I could watch. An Elder Mistress was by the fires with a stone footed bowl, and a grinding stone in the middle. She was taking herbs and roots and making them into a pulp to mix for dyes or add to salves or just break down for drying and making into powder later. She said if I could help, She would teach me what she was doing. I gladly jumped to the task. The rich aroma of the roots and stalks still had a light dusted smell of fresh earth. Even though we rinsed them in bucket or they had been soaked first. I worked the stone in my hand against the roots that were spread across the stone base of the bowl, once I did my first roll of edging feeling the give way of each root just burst into shreds I found...I liked this a lot. For it was new and exciting, and I was watching the girls learn general slave positions. I discovered that the rich aroma that was found on the root was more alive and smooth once it was broken and even a bit more light and delicate once dried. When one added a hint of vinegar it would explode into life and hind the bitter scent of the vinegar instantly with whatever it was, as if to devour it. Mixed with some of the aloe from plants or even honey with boiled oils it soaks fully to the skin or hair, and the case with salves, it wont' stick to the bandages.

I wasn't sure how long I had been there, it was ahn's. The six slaves had been allowed a meal, and a rest for a few ehn's to learn how to put on their leathers, before starting again, with positions until a sheen of sweat was covering their flesh. My finger tips were pink and sore, but I didn't want to stop, I would look over now and then and see the Elder Mistress with her head back, snoring away. As crazy as it seemed when I ran out of something, Her hand was up giving me another batch. Always perfect timing. No fail, Her head would fall back and She would be snoring away once I started again.

I was starting to slow down, as I went through the wet or fresh roots, stalks, berries, flowers and leaves, and she had me wash out the stone footed bowl with a moist cloth and oil before putting it away, and bringing back one made of what felt like thick glass. It was rare to find anything glass out in the wagons beyond traded glass beads. It looked like something one might find in a physicians keep. They had healers here, but nothing as fancy as the Physician's of the city. She said this one was for the dried stalks and small seeds, even spices or other delicates mixed to make anything that needed to be concentrated carefully or dusted. She was explaining things like perfumes of the city was made this way, when I was shocked, pleasantly so, to see Yasmine walk up, but with another slave! How dare she have another friend! I felt the heated fury of jealousy start to run up my shoulders, the same feeling I get when I see Catch with Dee. It only calmed when Yasmine brushed a kiss on my cheek and told the other girl, who was called Selene, that I was the Red one she was talking about. Selene was.....breathtaking. I think I lost my breath more when she said the same of me! Me? No, not speckled Red. The Elder Mistress got up with a few grumbles of Her back, saying enough for now, go off and play with the other lazy slaves.

It was fun to see Yamine tease the Mistress she would come straighten Her back out again with the chunky slave from the back wagons again if She wanted! I took it many knew Yasmine in good nature as the Mistress just waved her off. I saw Yasmine gather up some of the Elder Mistress's things and follow Her talking to Her about Her back, how was the leg, finger still pointing to the left? I had to laugh. Selene took my hand and dragged me over to the group of girls as the Master that was teaching them scolded her for taking so long. Again, I was confused. The Master took Selene by the hair yanking her head back, and gave her a kiss that I think made the seven of us watching....our toes just curl! It took me a moment to notice that Selene was squeezing my trapped fingers in pleasure and writhing around so much even I was jerking here and there with the motions as she just wouldn't let my hand go! The Master gave her a firm slap in the ass before walking off, and Selene was giving this daydreaming look watching Him leave. Then she turned to the girls with a stomp of her foot, and said "Nadu!" quickly and I watched all six hit the ground fast. I even almost would have if she didn't have a firm hold on me still. Blushing I looked over seeing Yasmine dragging a huge crate towards us.

With that, Selene then taught us how to serve....with a sensual touch. I think my cheeks burned the whole time. Between learning how to stroke a side of a cup, mug, bota even with tips of fingers in suggestion, and how to place a plate or platter, even a huge tray before me so that its my body that is seen before what I was offering, then how to smile, flutter my eyes, give a side glance, even a slight parting of lips...everything she said..that mattered. I was....Shocked!


She had waved the girls off a couple ahn's later to go back to their owners and then walked to the wagon closest by to get me and Yasmine a cup of juice. Yasmine downed it fast before jumping up. I frowned as she made the motion to leave, saying she had to run back to her Master's wagon to rub some salve on her crispy chain sister's head. If she doesn't then her Master wont' think she will have remorse...for the "accident" at the cooking fires. I had to giggle. Dang, she was something else, Yasmine.

Selene then told me about the gathering trip her and Yasmine were going on at first light, that I should come with. Gathering trip? While we waited for Yasmine to return, she told me about how they go with a group of Masters, Mistresses and other girls out past the realms of the far Outriders, to where the hills were taller and there was a distance cut in plains that formed a valley. There all the precious herbs, roots, spices and berries could be found, even flowers of such rich color that this trip was taken once a year to collect things to last until it was taken again. It was an important trip, and I would bring back so much my owners will be richer from my gatherings. All they need to do is send a slave. Didn't sound like a bad deal to me. I figured I hadn't seen [Avoided] my Master in days, beyond a shadow here and there. I wouldn't be missed. Plus I didn't want to ask cause I really wanted to go and I didn't want Him to say no! I thought about Catch and our night together the night before just by the stream, and the little fit I threw there. The Memories were haunting me. Home vs Home. I run away and think. I felt safe here, so I would run away with the Gatherer's and ...Gather.

Gather and think.

I let this become thick in my mind as Selene and the then returning Yasmine filled my bells with little balls of mud and wrapped my ankles all the way to mid calves with strips of leather to hide them. If the others thought I couldn't be trusted I wouldn't be allowed to go. This felt...wrong. I knew it was. I wanted to run and tell Catch, for...she was the only one I spilled my heart out to, though in small doses. I wanted her hug, and smile. Right now, I forced myself to shrug it off. Want to walk with the big Sleens, have to be brave.


I laid between the two girls with our baskets set out and ready for our trip at first light. To the stars, I started to say my sorry's to the wind. Sorry Master, I wasn't brave enough ask, sorry Catch, gonna leave you with some extra chores, Sorry Yaz, gonna have to wait a few days for that Plains Urt. What was I doing?

Sleeping, I would think about this when we return.