Saturday, April 18, 2009

Catch.....a dream.

I have found myself rotating my life around Catch. I often look towards the door and think....Where is Catch? What is Catch doing? DOESN'T SHE KNOW I'M HUNGRY? Nice little thoughts like that. The more ahn's went by the more jealous I was becoming over chores. I wanted them. I wanted to be a part of this big picture. While there was light out I would sit on the platform and watch people. I had taken to wrapping the blanket around me like some colorful woolen Toga. Yes, it was a bit warm, but a price to pay for not flashing my nakeds all over. I saw things around the wagon, but again, I was afraid to touch anything. I wasn't sure what I was suppose to be doing. Maybe this was suppose to be a moment of reflection on the path I'm taking in life. Or some bosk shit like that. Its like a grounding to ones chambers during those adolescent years. To think about what I have done. I got those enough times to know, they did nothing for me. I usually napped or day dreamed looking out the window. I learned to sew in those days, pretty designs I became quite skilled at, due to my bit of a rambunctious attitude. Or so I consider it.

While I was keeping the platform of the wagon safe with my perched guard by the entrance a woman walked up wearing some clothing that was a bit to big for her. Now I have noticed enough walking by with form fitting leathers to know, baggy wasn't the in thing near these wagons. I put it away assuming she was wearing hand-me-down leathers from her Mate's sister or something, and didn't know how to sew to hem them in a bit. I would offer tomorrow if I see her, when I'm not feeling all sore about still be chained. She was looking for Him. I was happy when Catch arrived, she pretty much took control. I was thankful for that. I had no idea what to tell these people. I didn't even bother to say "Look Lady...He ain't here obviously, please stop hollering!" She seemed to be enjoying Her task of looking so I would let Her. I got over my grumpy feelings for just an ehn when Catch brought me some stew. The "Seeking Lady of whom I call Him" seemed to be hungry also, and for some reason, I felt I needed to hold tight to my food. Afraid someone might take it out of my hand. So Catch fed Lady Big Leathers and another arrived baring gifts for Him. I have to say, I was pretty much not in the most lifted of spirits being a chain puppet. I suppose maybe the sensitive ears of the Women were not taking kindly to my remarks. I will say, I know for sure...Lady Pull and Scalp taught me quickly that She was not a big one particularly for my conversation. She put a nice firm fear of Him into me. I will say, I was scared. I didn't want Him upset with me. I have had my fill of near death experiences with Him, and I'm not ready to just move to Death in general. Something says I would be safer kissing a wild sleen in heat, survival wise, then to fall under His displeased hands on me.

Once everyone left, Catch said she would bring me some sewing and then fixed water for me to do dishes, which we did together. I started to ask her questions, though the back of my mind was still questioning what Mistress Pull and Scalp said about Catch perhaps getting switching rights. I asked Catch about...Her...Her dreams...Her wants, what makes Her. I have to say...she had nice dreams. The visions left a bit of a comical aftermath of thinking of little Tu-chunkies running around the wagons.

I pondered still her remarks of asking if I was jealous over love. No, I was afraid of it. Bad things happen to people in love. My best friend gave her up life for Love, and my sister died for it. Why would I want love if it would make me...lose me? I liked the glow on Catch's face, I even truly believed...He loved her back, cause He gave her gifts, like those bells around her ankle she was so proud of. They were nice bells. He must really love her. So I gave her the best advice I could. Ask to be free, offer to pop out a bunch of those little dream Tarskies, and talk Him into letting me out of these chains.

Sounded good to me. I could handle being a little part of her dream. I would make them all food, and watch love plump up those kids. Right now though, I don't have time for her to make the dream come true. I just wanted out of this chain! The Mistress said take the time being chained to think about why I'm there. Duh, someone up and stole my ass. Didn't really work in the equation of thinking hard and deep about that. For now, I spent the rest of the night while Catch went to finish chores, stopping any slave that walked by, and I mean...any slave.

"Hey, if you see the man who owns me...yeah, Master..sure...but listen...Tell Him I want to pick dung in the morning!"

Out of the dozen's of slaves that passed..I wonder if my message would ever make it. I had to prove to that Mistress I could pick dung better then any girl around here. I was ready for the challenge!