It was hard to focus at first. All I wanted to do was backhand Honey who was thrown down beside me. She seemed excited. How dare she! She had not said one word to me. I could just see my fingers digging nails into that slender throat of hers and shaking it tight and hard. Then...this man who I was dropped before, just wasn't getting it! There is something wrong with these people. They don't get how things are suppose to be. I try to say, some kaiila jockey's up and stole my verr, and I hear talk of how He wants my verr over a slave. Heck, He could have Honey. I tell Him, they up and stole my sleen. He seems to be thinking about other things then my issues! I am guessing He is the one in charge seeing I demanded to see the head person around here. Where is the respect? When I heard the peck of hens, I saw he wasn't the only cock or vulo in the coop. We had another cock crowing and a couple hens. From the fingered grasped of my hair I am guessing they have very strange customs. He was all in my personal space pulling me closer. Now any other time, I might have interest for a man who seemed to like verr, good creatures they were, but I was getting the picture that perhaps, verr and bosk aside, I was neck deep in dung quicksand and sinking fast. I was pretty much informed, I would be lacking all my personal processions thought I offered a very gracious payout for a bit of cooperation. It was then, everything made sense. These were outlaws! The whole mass of wagons, people wanting keep what wasn't theirs, and not respecting the rights of a Northern woman! This just wasn't good at all. They had robbed me totally. I had considered stabbing this hands on man, but my dagger was gone. I was going to offer the feel of shear blades, but they were gone also. My keys....gone. Now I was being observed like an ewe up for barter.
I was shown very clear communication cultural differences between a more civilized person like myself, and this outlaw man. If I didn't give him a good answer, the result was drowning. Bless Odin! Were these people raised by Bosk or wild sleen? So after a few near death experiences, I was starting to pick things up.
One - My freedom was stolen.
Two - He liked to pull hair.
Three - He has totally no respect for good velvet dresses.
Between this all, someone wanted to whip me, thought my remarkable skill in speaking was a nuisance and now was I not only the slave of an Outlaw, I was a naked slave of an Outlaw! Now, when He walked off I thought it was over. Again, the choices were not really choices. So I took my first step as...a slave named Red, following the Outlaw to His wagon.
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