Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sharing...the love

The hoarse sound of my whistling attempts were just sounding like wheezing of weak lungs now, but it kept the vulo's from attacking my ankles as I was working on the shelving inside the wagon. I make sure to clean out the lower dampened dry grass every morning, and rotate and mix fresh and old. Keeps the smell down, along with sweet honey suckle wax cones by the entrance. Its a nice natural scent so it isn't overwhelming to the vulo's.

I would take the wet down of dry grass and put it in baskets. I walked it far out towards the rounded edges of the stream where the wild ramberries grew. I knew the people here didn't do any crop growing of any sort but I still knew what good fertilizer was. We grew many crops back home. It made me wonder if someone had let my peach tree die. I would have buried it out here and let nature decide its will. I used the basket to pour some water over the soiled dry grass to help it compost into the ground around the base of the bushes. I thought of how thick and plump by this time next year they would be. I liked this feeling of...future. I took the long way around to pull down the clothing of the men of my Master's family wagons, who's laundry I do every other day. I do it first thing after dung collecting and when I was washing up, so it would be dry by deep into the warmth of morning. Now the basket was clean from the carrying, I would put the cleaned clothing in it and take it back to the wagons. I oiled the leathers carefully to keep them soft and durable. I know more.... do more. Everyone so busy I wouldn't bother them. Mistress Mezoo was the only one I really have met, truly. I had gone into Master's wagon, and started to know it. Where the trunks were, the way the furs carpeted the floor, how it smells, and feels. Of course I take to cleaning, placing everything right where I find it, after wipping down the built in shelves and edging with a damp rep cloth to rid any dust. I am spending more Home base. I brought the colored egg shells filled with dyed grass in His wagon, putting it by the flap that could be unbound to bring in fresh air and light. I left it there. It made Like, I placed a bit of me..there. So simple, to just want to be a shadow in the sight in someone's life.

But the moment was over, had stuff to do. Now I was not about to go find a builder. I didn't have permission, and plus, can't go trading wares and goods when I truly owned nothing! So I started to think, what did we do back home when I was younger? When me and Von would want to build something without someone finding out? AH! Got it. I went by the trenches, not to work hard or anything there, but there is where the open grounds had less grass and thick mounds of dirt piled where it was dug up long ago. I enjoyed flaunting myself as the chained Thralls were digging and putting buckets of dirt into the old trenches before starting on the newly dug trenched canal. I took my own buckets of dirt, and started to mix it in a huge basin. I remembered how to do this well, and I was happy and giggling while I made it. One part grass six parts dirt and enough water to make it feel like bread dough, firm and not runny at all. I would pause and put fat worms I pulled up and out, into a bucket. I would trade them with some fishing Free, for a first catch. Fish for dinner tonight! Using some square baskets as molds I would fill them with the mixture and left them out to dry in the sun.

Okay! I walked to the stream with the bucket full of fat worms, and the deal was made for the fish with a young Master and his friend. They were thankful they had no need to have to dig for themselves. Now, time to see what to use as a base. There was some wooden planks in one of Master's storage wagons. Must have been from an old wagon a long time ago. They were very dusted, and a bit weak in the center, but one thing I have learned....Tuchuks waste nothing! It would be perfect for the vulo's, as they were light, and small, even with nest and eggs, it would be way strong. I took four planks and carried them in the vulo wagon. They would work, hopefully by tomorrow the moldings would be dry.